August 21, 2017

Conversations: Yvonne Yua

Yvonne Yua - Wealthwave - on our Blog

Yvonne Yua (Senior Director, World Financial Group)

I am a Financial Professional and Senior Director with World Financial Group, also known as “The How Money Works Company.” I am dedicated to helping others find financial freedom through literacy and application.

Yvonne Yua in our eco-friendly hemp blend Cassidy Top & Ola Shorts

The most meaningful achievement to me is being a mom, which gave me the courage and inspiration to take the leap into entrepreneurship.

Yvonne Yua in our eco-friendly hemp blend Cassidy Top & Ola Shorts

My greatest lesson learned is saying “Yes!” As an introvert who avoids trying new things and hates surprises, it has not been an easy feat. However, saying “Yes” has led me to incredible life-long relationships, fruitful opportunities, and life experiences beyond my wildest dreams!

Yvonne Yua in our eco-friendly hemp blend Cassidy Top & Ola Shorts

Don’t worry. Worry is the most wasted emotion. Why worry twice when you could deal with it once when it actually happens?

Yvonne Yua in our eco-friendly hemp blend Cassidy Top & Ola Shorts

The future is your history to write.

Yvonne Yua in our eco-friendly hemp blend Cassidy Top & Ola Shorts

Life is about learning from the past, living in the present, and leaping into the future.


Photos by Anthony Goto