November 18, 2015

Fashion Takes Action: Raising Responsible Consumers

Fashion Takes Action - My Clothes My World

Canada’s own Fashion Takes Action is a non-profit organization that focuses on sustainability in the fashion industry. They have created an educational program called My Clothes, My World, which has received rave reviews. Designed for kids in grades 4-12, the program helps educate young people about the impact of fashion BEFORE they become consumers.

My Clothes, My World half- and full-day workshops provide interactive activities that elicit discussion around issues such as consumerism, labour rights and environmental degradation. It opens students’ eyes to some of the facts and impacts of the global apparel industry and inspires them to take meaningful action.

The program is run completely by volunteers and is in need of your support. They are running an Indigogo campaign to help raise funds to deliver their program to students in Canadian schools.

We support them! I hope you can, too.